Cultivating Creativity Group

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
C. G. Jung

The Cultivating Creativity/Hero's Journey Workshop is conducted several times throughout the year.  

The next workshop begins in June 2024.  

The workshop is a six week, experiential workshop for artists and other creative individuals who want to: 

  • Increase Artistic Confidence

  • Resolve Creative Blocks and Maximize Productivity

  • Gain Understanding of One's Unique Creative Process

  • Revitalize the Creative Instinct

  • Explore Dream Images

  • Have Fun and Play 

The Cultivating Creativity/Hero's Journey Workshop provides a safe, nurturing environment where artists can revitalize their creative curiosity to motivate a playful approach to artistic creation. The workshop has exercises that explore the uncharted waters of the unconscious and dreams for the purpose of gaining greater creative understanding, confidence, and productivity. Carl G. Jung’s theory of artists is used as the basis for understanding creativity and the creative process by employing depth psychology with its focus on the psyche and the symbolic, mythological, and imaginal realms. We employ Jung’s technique of Active Imagination and the exploration of dreams to assist artists in gaining insight into themselves and their work.   

Please contact me today at (310) 384-0086 to set up a free 15 minute consultation to see if this workshop is right for you.